Photo of Eric Foster

Eric Foster

Architectural Engineer


  • Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute

414 Marion Place


Eric Foster is a Facility Condition Assessment Specialist with the Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute (PSFEI). His responsibilities include conducting facility condition assessments with an emphasis on the building envelope, structural systems and accessibility components. Prior to joining PSFEI, Foster was employed by the Centre Region Code Administration as a building inspector/plans examiner. He was previously employed by Civilsmith Engineering, Inc. for more than 13 years, where he specialized in precast concrete design and construction. Foster holds an Associate in Specialized Technology in Architectural Computer Aided Drafting and Design Technology from Triangle Tech and a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering from Penn State. He is a certified building inspector, mechanical inspector, plumbing inspector, energy inspector and accessibility inspector/plan examiner in accordance with the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code. 






The Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute (PSFEI) provides education programs, energy services, engineering services, and facility condition assessments to Pennsylvania state agencies, the federal government, and nonprofit organizations. The organization aims to advance its customers’ facilities engineering objectives through applied research, education, and innovation.

Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute

Marion Place, Suite 414

135 East Nittany Avenue

State College, PA 16801

Phone: 814-865-7615

Fax: 814-863-7835