FMMS: Facilities Maintenance Management System

The Facilities Maintenance Management System (FMMS) is a set of comprehensive management tools developed specifically for use by the Department of Corrections (DOC) maintenance departments within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This project was initiated in cooperation with DOC’s Bureau of Operations and every institution’s team of maintenance managers.

Fully integrated with DOC infrastructure, FMMS is a customized web-based, enterprise-wide software solution, designed to DOC’s business process specification. The core functionality provides a complete management of work orders, projects, and assets. Features also include system-generated email notification of specific events within a process and adhoc and canned reporting. FMMS resides on the client’s server, utilizing their technologies and adhering to the development standards as specified by the Bureau of Information Technology.

FMMS serves all PA State Correctional Institutions’ facilities from one central location.



The Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute (PSFEI) provides education programs, energy services, engineering services, and facility condition assessments to Pennsylvania state agencies, the federal government, and nonprofit organizations. The organization aims to advance its customers’ facilities engineering objectives through applied research, education, and innovation.

Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute

Marion Place, Suite 414

135 East Nittany Avenue

State College, PA 16801

Phone: 814-865-7615

Fax: 814-863-7835